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SlackScope type

declare type SlackScope = 
* Administer a workspace
* Access analytics data about the organization
| ""
* View apps and app requests in a workspace
| "admin.apps:read"
* Manage apps in a workspace
| "admin.apps:write"
* Read information barriers in the organization
| "admin.barriers:read"
* Manage information barriers in the organization
| "admin.barriers:write"
* View the channel’s member list, topic, purpose and channel name
| "admin.conversations:read"
* Start a new conversation, modify a conversation and modify channel details
| "admin.conversations:write"
* Gain information about invite requests in a Grid organization.
| "admin.invites:read"
* Approve or deny invite requests in a Grid organization.
| "admin.invites:write"
* Access information about a workspace
| "admin.teams:read"
* Make changes to a workspace
| "admin.teams:write"
* Access information about user groups
| "admin.usergroups:read"
* Make changes to your usergroups
| "admin.usergroups:write"
* Access a workspace’s profile information
| "admin.users:read"
* Modify account information
| "admin.users:write"
* Read app configuration info via App Manifest APIs
| "app_configurations:read"
* Write app configuration info and create apps via App Manifest APIs
| "app_configurations:write"
* View messages that directly mention @your_slack_app in conversations that the app is in
| "app_mentions:read"
* View events from all workspaces, channels and users (Enterprise Grid only)
| "auditlogs:read"
* Grants permission to list authorizations associated with the Events API
| "authorizations:read"
* List bookmarks
| "bookmarks:read"
* Create, edit, and remove bookmarks
| "bookmarks:write"
* Add the ability for people to direct message or mention @your_slack_app
| "bot"
* View information about ongoing and past calls
| "calls:read"
* Start and manage calls in a workspace
| "calls:write"
* View messages and other content in public channels that your slack app has been added to
| "channels:history"
* Join public channels in a workspace
| "channels:join"
* Manage public channels that your slack app has been added to and create new ones
| "channels:manage"
* View basic information about public channels in a workspace
| "channels:read"
* Manage a user’s public channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf
| "channels:write"
* Post messages in approved channels & conversations
| "chat:write"
* Send messages as @your_slack_app with a customized username and avatar
| "chat:write.customize"
* Send messages to channels @your_slack_app isn't a member of
| "chat:write.public"
* Send messages as your slack app
| "chat:write:bot"
* Send messages on a user’s behalf
| "chat:write:user" | "commands" | "connections:write" | "conversations.connect:manage" | "conversations.connect:read" | "conversations.connect:write" | "dnd:read" | "dnd:write" | "dnd:write:user" | "email" | "emoji:read" | "files:read" | "files:write" | "files:write:user" | "groups:history" | "groups:read" | "groups:write" | "identify" | "identity.avatar" | "identity.avatar:read:user" | "identity.basic" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "identity:read:user" | "im:history" | "im:read" | "im:write" | "incoming-webhook" | "links.embed:write" | "links:read" | "links:write" | "metadata.message:read" | "mpim:history" | "mpim:read" | "mpim:write" | "openid" | "pins:read" | "pins:write" | "post" | "profile" | "reactions:read" | "reactions:write" | "read" | "reminders:read" | "reminders:read:user" | "reminders:write" | "reminders:write:user" | "remote_files:read" | "remote_files:share" | "remote_files:write" | "search:read" | "stars:read" | "stars:write" | "team.billing:read" | "team.preferences:read" | "team:read" | "tokens.basic" | "triggers:read" | "triggers:write" | "usergroups:read" | "usergroups:write" | "users.profile:read" | "users.profile:write" | "users.profile:write:user" | "users:read" | "" | "users:write" | "workflow.steps:execute";