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ConfirmationDialogObject interface

interface ConfirmationDialogObject 

Required Properties

confirmPlainTextObjectA plain_text text object to define the text of the button that confirms the action. Maximum length for the text in this field is 30 characters.
denyPlainTextObjectA plain_text text object to define the text of the button that cancels the action. Maximum length for the text in this field is 30 characters.
textPlainTextObjectA plain_text text object that defines the explanatory text that appears in the confirm dialog. Maximum length for the text in this field is 300 characters.
titlePlainTextObjectA plain_text text object that defines the dialog's title. Maximum length for this field is 100 characters.

Optional Properties

style?"primary" | "danger"Defines the color scheme applied to the confirm button. A value of danger will display the button with a red background on desktop, or red text on mobile. A value of primary will display the button with a green background on desktop, or blue text on mobile. If this field is not provided, the default value will be primary.