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Home > @runlightyear/notion > DateFilterCondition

DateFilterCondition interface

interface DateFilterCondition 

Optional Properties


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is after the provided date.


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is before the provided date.


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is the provided date.


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value contains no data.


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is not empty.

nextMonth?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the next month.
nextWeek?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the next week.
nextYear?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the next year.

The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is on or after the provided date.


The value to compare the date property value against.

Returns database entries where the date property value is on or before the provided date.

pastMonth?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the past month.
pastWeek?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the past week.
pastYear?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is within the past year.
thisWeek?{}A filter that limits the results to database entries where the date property value is this week.