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Home > @runlightyear/linear > NullableCycleFilter

NullableCycleFilter interface

interface NullableCycleFilter 

Optional Properties

and?Array<NullableCycleFilter>Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the cycle.
completedAt?DateComparatorComparator for the cycle completed at date.
createdAt?DateComparatorComparator for the created at date.
endsAt?DateComparatorComparator for the cycle ends at date.
id?IDComparatorComparator for the identifier.
isActive?BooleanComparatorComparator for the filtering active cycle.
isFuture?BooleanComparatorComparator for the filtering future cycles.
isNext?BooleanComparatorComparator for the filtering next cycle.
isPast?BooleanComparatorComparator for the filtering past cycles.
isPrevious?BooleanComparatorComparator for the filtering previous cycle.
issues?IssueCollectionFilterFilters that the cycles issues must satisfy.
name?StringComparatorComparator for the cycle name.
null?BooleanFilter based on the existence of the relation.
number?NumberComparatorComparator for the cycle number.
or?Array<NullableCycleFilter>Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the cycle.
startsAt?DateComparatorComparator for the cycle start date.
team?TeamFilterFilters that the cycles team must satisfy.
updatedAt?DateComparatorComparator for the updated at date.