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CommentResponse interface

interface CommentResponse 

Required Properties

archivedAtDateTimeThe time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived.
bodystringThe comment content in markdown format.
bodyDatastringThe comment content as a Prosemirror document.
createdAtDateTimeThe time at which the entity was created.
editedAtDateTimeThe time user edited the comment.
externalUser{ id: LinearID; name: string; }[ALPHA] The external user who wrote the comment.
idLinearIDThe unique identifier of the entity.
issue{ id: string; title: string; }The issue that the comment is associated with.
parent{ id: LinearID; }The parent comment under which the current comment is nested.
reactionDataobjectEmoji reaction summary, grouped by emoji type
updatedAtDateTimeThe last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't been updated after creation.
urlstringComment's URL.
user{ id: LinearID; name: string; }