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AttachmentCollectionFilter interface

interface AttachmentCollectionFilter 

Optional Properties

and?Array<AttachmentCollectionFilter>Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the attachment.
createdAt?DateComparatorComparator for the created at date.
creator?NullableUserFilterFilters that the attachments creator must satisfy.
every?AttachmentFilterFilters that needs to be matched by all attachments.
id?IDComparatorComparator for the identifier.
length?NumberComparatorComparator for the collection length.
or?Array<AttachmentCollectionFilter>Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the attachment.
some?AttachmentFilterFilters that needs to be matched by some attachments.
sourceType?SourceTypeComparatorComparator for the source type.
subtitle?NullableStringComparatorComparator for the subtitle.
title?StringComparatorComparator for the title.
updatedAt?DateComparatorComparator for the updated at date.
url?StringComparatorComparator for the url.