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ListRepositoriesForAuthenticatedUserProps interface

interface ListRepositoriesForAuthenticatedUserProps 

Optional Properties

affiliation?Array<"owner" | "collaborator" | "organization_member">

Array of values. Can include:

owner: Repositories that are owned by the authenticated user. collaborator: Repositories that the user has been added to as a collaborator. organization_member: Repositories that the user has access to through being a member of an organization. This includes every repository on every team that the user is on.

Default: owner,collaborator,organization_member

before?stringOnly show notifications updated before the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
direction?"asc" | "desc"The order to sort by. Default: asc when using full_name, otherwise desc.
page?numberPage number of the results to fetch.
perPage?numberThe number of results per page (max 100).
since?stringOnly show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
sort?"created" | "updated" | "pushed" | "full_name"

The property to sort the results by.

Default: full_name

type?Array<"all" | "owner" | "public" | "private" | "member">

Limit results to repositories of the specified type. Will cause a 422 error if used in the same request as visibility or affiliation.

Default: all

visibility?"all" | "public" | "private"

Limit results to repositories with the specified visibility.

Default: all