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DeleteEventProps interface

interface DeleteEventProps 

Required Properties

calendarId"primary" | stringCalendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.
eventIdstringEvent identifier.

Optional Properties


Deprecated. Please use sendUpdates instead.

Whether to send notifications about the deletion of the event. Note that some emails might still be sent even if you set the value to false. The default is false.

sendUpdates?"all" | "externalOnly" | "none"

Guests who should receive notifications about the deletion of the event.

Acceptable values are: "all": Notifications are sent to all guests. "externalOnly": Notifications are sent to non-Google Calendar guests only. "none": No notifications are sent. For calendar migration tasks, consider using the Events.import method instead.