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ActionOverride interface

interface ActionOverride 

Required Properties


Represents the environment to which the action override applies. For example, a Large value in this field represents the Lightning Experience desktop environment, and is valid for Lightning pages and Lightning components. A Small value represents the Salesforce mobile app on a phone or tablet.

This field is available in API version 37.0 and later.

isAvailableInTouchbooleanIndicates whether the action override is available in the Salesforce mobile app (true) or not (false).
namestringThe name of the action that overrides the default action. For example, if the new/create page was overridden with a custom action, the name might be “New”.
pageIdstringThe ID of the page for the action override.
urlstringThe URL of the item being used for the action override, such as a Visualforce page. Returns as null for Lightning page overrides.